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Random Update Information Type Thingie

Hi ppl!

Well, the Serpent's Kiss email discussion list has been going for nearly six weeks now, and we seem to be trundling along in a very fine fashion indeed. So, now we have a few more people (current membership: 46 [as of 6/7/00]), here's a bit of formalised information regarding the SK mishlist, which I posted a while ago to the list (Ref. Message 238) :)

  1. Off-topic Posts

    Serpents Kiss is a place where ppl who love The Mission can meet, make friends, swap mish stories and info, and generally have a laugh. You can't acheive this if the only kind of post that makes it to the list is 100% mission-related...

    ... but on the other hand, extended non-mish stuff is just as useless. It is also boring and alienating...

    I'd like this to be the friendly, free & easy place the old list used to be. In my opinion, the way to do that is to keep the posts largely mish-related (since The Mission is the single thing that every one of us have in common with every other one of us), and try to avoid extended non-mish stuff (NB: The operative word here is "extended")

    It's not that off-topic posts are either encouraged or frowned on... it is a matter of what is considered "off-topic"... most of you saw what happened on the old list, and if you have a think back along some of the posts leading up to it, the reasons it happened are very obvious. I won't go any further with that, because one thing I don't want to see on this list is bitching.... ;>

  2. Posting Stuff to the List

    The address to write to is, and you can either email from your client or post directly from the egroups page.

    However, replies go automatically to the original sender, not the list... so when you do reply, you just have to alter the address to go to the list.

    The idea behind this is, when ppl read something that pisses them off, they hit reply, bang out a narky answer and hit send without thinking too carefully about it... and you've seen the result. Do that here, and the mail just goes straight to the person who wrote whatever offended you, and then the two of you can just quietly slug it out behind the scenes without annoying the rest of us :>

    NB: anyone who sends nasty crap to the list will get chucked off.
And there we have it :> If that's not put you off, please do come and join us!

luv n' hugs


Discussion List Links

[ eGroups Serpents Kiss Site | Our message archive ]

You don't need to be a member of SK to read our messages or look at our home eGroups page. Have a look and see if you fancy joining us! If you're already a subscriber, you can login and post messages to the list, or email other list members, from the eGroups webpage.

You can also look at our choice of weblinks... although there's nothing in there just yet, and anything in there will also be on this site somewhere!

SK Members-only Pages

SK Members-only sites, accessed by logging in with your subscribed email address and eGroups password:

[ Calendar of SK events | SK Polls (you never know ;> ) ]

(NB: These two sites should be accessible to non-members. However, although I've set the necessary options, eGroups still refuses access. Still, it's not like there's anything in there just now! Any votes or events will be mentioned on the list, so check out the archive.)

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Serpent's Kiss Chat Events

A little group of us usually meet up on the net for an hour's gossip or so every Wednesday, from 8pm UK time onwards. Since the creation of Serpent's Kiss, we've added a Sunday session in the hope that people won't find themselves excluded because of their time zones. If you have a look at the month section of the calendar, you can see if we've got anything planned, and come and meet us :)

Here in the UK we're currently in British Summer Time, which is GMT +1 - so 8pm is 21:00 GMT. Where possible we'll put times in GMT - and you can just check on this handy time zone converter to see what time that is where you are.

[ Calendar for Current Month | Time Zone Converter ]

eGroups provides a chatroom for clubs, and the SK room is here - but you need to be a member to get in. Follow the link below, and eGroups automatically prompts you to login:

[ Serpent's Kiss Chat Room @ eGroups ]
Our usual Wednesday online party traditionally takes place in Karst's yahoo chatroom, which is here:

[ Yahoo Mission Chat Room ]

You need to login with a separate Yahoo account, for which you will be prompted if you follow the chatlink, as you are with eGroups.

The last of our traditional meeting places is the new Official MWIS Chat Room, hosted by Delphi. Again, you need an account on the Delphi site to get in - the MWIS site also includes a message board - but registering for one is a simple process. One drawback with the Delphi site is that it tends to get a bit full and refuse logins...

[ Official MWIS Chat and Message Board on Delphi ]

Current "official" SK Chat Venue

Since these three places all have various other access problems, we had a look round for somewhere else... and the place we have settled on for now is the lovely Bravenet. This is one of the easiest and fastest web-chat's I've ever used, plus you don't need a password to get in, so anyone can come and play :)

Chat To Us

NB: This host was actually rejected by the official MWIS site, for reasons which aren't clear. If there are any problems, please let me know. Top of Page

...And Finally...

There are a couple of other Mission email discussion lists out there, which may interest you. As I've said in various places, there is no reason to regard all these lists as rivals, although I know there are some people who do. However, we at Serpent's Kiss regard ourselves and the others as complementary fan-efforts for that splendiferous band THE MISSION, and as such, many of our members are subscribed to all of them. Best of all worlds! So, for your delight and delectation, we give you: - The Official Mission E-Mail Discussion List
List Owner: Johan Eskils
Main Page:
Archive: - information only, no discussion list
List Owner: Paul Morgan
Main Page:
Archive: yes, but members only; you need to login to read it.
Subscribe to main discussion list and/or the information-only list here
The two following lists were conceived as the result of a rare flame-war on, in which one member's suggestion that they should stop fighting and go back to discussing The Mission was interpreted as a suggestion to leave the list... Both these lists are Mission-related in that they comprise Mission fans who met on, but discussion is completely open to all topics and rarely involves The Mission at all (hence the complementary nature of all the lists :) )
List Owner: Spyder
Main Page:
List Owner: Angry Nige
Main Page:
Archive: no archive

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